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A little bit of surprise

A little bit of surprise

This year, I’m gonna go to Ireland.

To fulfill a long-time wish

To verify a feeling

To answer my heart’s calling

I always see myself standing on the green hill of Ireland, two arms spread wide like wings of the eagle, while grin like a lunatic and sing out loud:

This is my homeland

My heart is here

These are the voices I long to hear

No matter how far I may roam

I have a homeland, I have a home

With the heart full of joy, gratitude and uncoditional love.

I thought the cost of going to Ireland for a week is about $1000

Turned out today it’s no less than $3000 for at least, with the costs of plane tickets and visa are about $2000

And it costs $5000 for a decent trip.

What a surprise!

It shattered my earth where I stand a bit!

How I am gonna to make enough money to go home?

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