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Everyday I read the same thing

Everyday I read the same thing

Every day I read the same thing

to change my paradigm

to shift my conditioning

among those are:


  1. Read Self- confidence formula in think and Grow rich
  2. Listen to Effortless English near noon


  1. Read chapter “Master the art of timing” in “the 48 Laws of Power” – Robert Greene
  2. Watch Darren Daily – Better Everyday

Afternoon- around 4 PM:

  1. Watch CEO’s monthly KPI
  2. read 3 articles about benefits of Gg ads
  3. Read 3 articles about How to raise funds for business

Near evening – around 5.30 PM:

  1. open Amz hacker’s file to see 84k/ month – 88k/ month
  1. Open nichepie to see 10beast story
  2. Watch “will it blend” to re-ignite enthusiasm
  3. Open duynguyenblog, Mentor’s advice folder , skipblast… to find guidance and spiritual advantage

Near finished- office hour:

  1. REad mentor’s words in Success Formula
  2. Read other mentor’s word in websites and online business guide
  3. Finish

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